kadó Memories

25 years of kadó. A liquorice journey in 6 memories from 1997 to 2022.
Fancy a game, dear liquorice monsters?

Memories of 25 years of kadó

Fancy a little time travel without a competition? We have summarised the 25 years of our kadó liquorice life in 6 memories. You are cordially invited to play them online and enjoy yourself. And for those who like to nibble liquorice to play: Liquorice & Memorie is available as a real game, in a limited edition. The memorie cards are played and the liquorice motifs are snacked away. Mmm, see you soon!

2002 - 2006 Our own liquorice

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What did you see on the playing cards?

Here are the explanations from the kadó events of these 5 years.
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The first hurdles of setting up a business have been overcome. Dorothea has endearingly captured all the stages with her stick figures. kadó as a small Berlin company picks up speed, together with employees and the first apprentice.

Further liquorice research took us to the south of Italy and France. Liquorice also grows wild there and has been used since time immemorial. We visited the liquorice museum of "Amarelli", who have been cooking liquorice in Rossano since 1731 and pack the natural pastilles in beautiful boxes and tins.

To show the diversity of European liquorice, we put together mixtures by hand. Depending on the flavour, sweet and | or salty from European countries are peacefully united in one bag, waiting to be tested by liquorice monsters. Voilà our house mix about EVERYTHING, the kadó mix.

Toothpaste with liquorice, you have to come up with that first! But once you've got to know it, of course you'll never use anything else.

Findings during the research were hung in our shop, like this French advertising poster for La Jaunie. By the way, they are still in the kadó range today, little liquorice pastilles from Montpellier in the yellow twist tin. A delight!

From time to time we got offers from producers looking for buyers. How about a few tons of liquorice or, like here, pure liquorice from Kazakhstan? According to the package insert, it also works against radioactivity! Aha, another reason not to include it in the assortment for sure.

Welcome to the liquorice laboratory kitchen. kadó has commissioned a recipe with ginger. A great opportunity to experience the whole cooking process, including testing the different variations and choosing the best-tasting recipe. Cooking, drying, sprinkling - it takes 3 days to cook liquorice by hand.

Here it is our first own recipe in the form of our ginger carees. Nice and crunchy, liquoricey with a fiery sweet and savoury ginger note - smak! Our handmade ginger carees are available loose and with a tin. Also at KaDeWe.

Liquorice pastilles in pressed form, once with and without ginger added. Another recipe, made for kadó. Our kadó-liquorice compotes. Well, and somehow the nickname was formed jokingly, because since then every current or former employee internally is a "kadolette". Even though it has been a while...

Liquorice with sea salt in the beautiful box. Also handmade.

From now on, this fretwork will enrich the counters in selected small art house cinemas, starting with the fsk at Oranienplatz. From now on there's good liquorice to go with the film. Slim and clearly arranged liquorice in the kadó display: sweet or salty, what has to go in?

We got to know liquorice in liquid form in France as an additive in lemonade and cocktails and in Italy as liquorice liqueur and Grappa di Liquirizia. Enjoy against thirst, as an aperitif or digestif - simply delicious!

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